A downloadable game for Windows


This game was developed by GGD&V GrazianoBrothers.

This work is heavily inspired by the short story written by H.P. Lovecraft in 1931

 " The Whisperer in Darkness "

We highly recommend reading it. This game is nothing more than a reimagined tribute for gaming purposes to certain parts of the book.

We hope that our adaptation manages to capture even a fraction of Lovecraft's atmosphere in this short horror adventure filled with plot twists and puzzles. Immerse yourself in a world where the unknown lurks in every shadow, and every decision could lead to your salvation or doom. May you find the experience as chilling and captivating as we intended.

The game is available in both English and Italian. You can switch between languages in the main menu.

WASD - to move 

SPACE - to jump

Left Click - to interact

Right Click - to zoom

If you are unable to view the settings UI or the main menu, adjust the display scaling in your computer's screen settings until they become visible. The recommended scaling is 100%.


InTheDarkness.zip 212 MB

Install instructions

"After downloading the zip, extract the contents into a folder and open it by clicking on the In The Darkness game icon.

Development log


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(Giving a Hint) Ottimo video,  ho visto che non sei arrivato a completare il gioco, se vedi bene all inizio lanci da qualche parte la prima parte del marchingegno che era posta sullo scaffale con i libri davanti alla 3 nota e non lo recuperi più . Per l enigma degli scacchi devi seguire una combinazione esatta che capirai dagli indizi vicino la scacchiera e poi ti manga un ultimo enigma  che dovrai trovare, prova a cercare al piano terra magari hai perso qualcosa non avendo il Quadro generale.

si vero avuto attimo un po di confusione , grazie tips ...è interessante il vostro gioco

Grazie del commento positivo


Hi, so where is press button to start the game or do I need to wait long when game star automatically?

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I’m not sure how to help with your problem. The main menu is not supposed to disappear under any circumstances; it should display normally like this. I suggest trying to re-download the zip file.

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Not knowing if re-downloading the zip file would solve your problem, I decided to update the game so that it's now possible to resize the game window after exiting fullscreen mode using the (ALT + Enter) shortcut.

Hi, Now the game is working and I found the key under the mat so do I use the door or somewhere else  and I found mini ladder when I use a ladder somehow I ended up on the roof it probably wasn't meant happened lol

Now  I got into the house with many attempts

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If you have the key, you can enter the house through the front door by the doormat, you click on the dooor to unlock it with the key then you push it by walking. The game is based on a physics engine, and aside from the map borders and some plot steps, I've chosen to give players the freedom to do whatever they want and explore freely. Unless you found a way to fly using the ladder—in which case I should fix that bug—there’s no problem if you just used it in a creative way to get onto the roof. Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hi so now I finished the game and the game looks very good even though the game have some bugs to fix like I can take an object from inside even I was outside and can you translate some paper note into English version and sorry for these many comments anyway well done and keep it up mate!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the positive review! To play in English, click on the flag in the bottom right corner of the main menu. Thanks to your experience, I've identified some improvements to make the gameplay smoother. An update is coming soon.

You're welcome to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments.